Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Foam Anyone??? - Food Trends That you Hate

I was reading an interesting discussion on Washington Post online today in which people listed over-hyped food trends. You know what I am talking about, the overdone standard American burger topped with foie gras! My biggest pet peeve is actually one of my favorite foods - the cupcake. When did cupcakes start costing $5.00...I mean really, there is only so much that you can do to a cupcake and it should NEVER cost $5.00! Oh, and the deconstructed food classics...deconstructed bacon and eggs, deconstructed deviled eggs (yes, I've seen it). So what is your biggest food trend that you are so over?


em!ly said...

I fully agree with the cupcake thing. And a lot of those ridiculously expensive things, aren't even the bite of heaven you're hoping for, they're dry and miserable excuses for cupcakes! Give me Betty Crocker box cupcakes any day =)